Des Plaines, Illinois is no stranger to hailstorms. Even small hailstones can cause severe damage to your home's exterior, including your aluminum siding. Despite the prevalent use of aluminum siding in Des Plaines, many homeowners are unaware of the hail damage on aluminum siding on their houses. This blog post discusses the percentage of homes in Mount Prospect that have aluminum siding and how even pea-sized hailstones can cause damage. We’ll also discuss how people often overlook cosmetic damage, and how these issues can be covered by most insurance companies.

It's surprising to learn that over 50% of homes in Mount Prospect have aluminum siding. Unfortunately, many homeowners don't realize that even pea-sized hailstones can cause damage. Hailstones can provide an intense impact, often leading to cosmetic problems like dents and scratches in aluminum siding. The cosmetic damage is often covered by homeowners' insurance companies, although it's necessary to be familiar with the policy's rules for hail damage coverage.
Cosmetic damage can be a big concern for homeowners, particularly as it can adversely affect their home's curb appeal and resale value. It's important to keep in mind that insurance policies should cover these issues to make the homeowner whole again. It's often said that if homeowners were aware of this, most siding on homes in Mount Prospect would be replaced within a year or two. However, this is generally not the case, as most homeowners aren't informed about these aspects of their policy.
A free inspection from experienced contractors is the best way to check if you have hail damage on your aluminum siding. Experienced contractors will examine your home meticulously and determine whether it has cosmetic or mechanical damage. Homeowners must also keep in mind that aluminum siding dents easily and is susceptible to damage from lawnmowers, kids' toys, and other objects. Unfortunately, such damage is not often covered by insurance companies, and only wind or hail damage is covered.
It's essential to remember that homeowners must file their claim with their insurance company within a year from the date of the hailstorm. Therefore you don't know if you'll have a hailstorm the following year, so the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity doesn't last forever. It's why homeowners need to act promptly before the damage worsens and affects their home's value. Hail damage isn't always evident from afar, and it's vital to contact professionals to inspect any damage.
In summary, hail damage is an occurrence that is familiar to many residents of Mount Prospect. Despite aluminum siding's durability, hailstones can cause cosmetic damage that affects your home's value. In most cases, homeowners' insurance policies will cover cosmetic damage, but it's essential to be familiar with your policy's terms and conditions. To take advantage of this opportunity, homeowners must file their claims within a year of the hailstorm. Contact professionals for a free inspection to determine whether you have hail damage on your aluminum siding and minimize any potential damage to your house.